Books Written by: Alexandra

What Really Makes America Great?: We The People

What Really Makes America Great?: We The People
Everyone has something to say about America and what they think makes it great like, Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the left side, the right side, etc. But honestly, what really makes America so great? It’s people living here. The citizens of America is what really makes this country so great. We keep it going, safe, and of course free. Every American should be proud and grateful to live in a country as great as ours. We The People all around is what helps make this country great! Let’s keep America Great! All of us!

Growing Up with an Autistic Brother

Growing up with an Autistic Brother: A Challenge and a Reward
I had a childhood unlike that of most children. I grew up with a brother who was diagnosed with low functioning autism. My childhood and teenage years were very challenging and I often wondered if I would be my brothers next care taker, if I would be able to go to college, and how my future and his future would look. I hope this book helps siblings, parents, grandparents, cousins, or anyone who knows someone with autism. I wanted to share my own story of what my life was like growing up with a brother with autism. It was a life much different from most children’s but it was truly a blessing and I wouldn’t change it for the world!

Why is My Brother Autistic?

Why is My Brother Autistic?: Autism and How it Affects Kids
Why are 1 in 88 children autistic? What is autism? My younger brother was diagnosed with autism at age 2, he learns slower than other children and needs more one on one help. For me as a child, I learned a lot as well and the main thing I learned was to be respectful of other people despite their disabilities. I decided to write a book for children who have siblings with autism or want to learn what it is like to grow up having an autistic sibling. Siblings are out best friends and it is important to be there for them.

“I just want to say I bought this book and started reading it to my son tonight.  Usually, he wants to play or watch a funny video instead of a bedtime story.   Tonight, he kept asking me to keep reading.  So we finished the first 3 chapters.  My Son is 6.  He has a 4-year-old sister who is special needs.  She can’t talk, walk or even sit up.  She has a rare genetic disorder and they just don’t know much about it yet. 

My son is great with her but I know he will probably experience a lot of the same feelings you expressed in the book as time goes on.  It is so nice for him to see that he isn’t alone.  That’s why I thought the book would be good for him.  We are loving this book.  Thank you, Alexandra, for sharing this story!”

Camelot… What It Was and How It Ended

Camelot… What It Was and How It Ended: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy and Tragedy that Followed
The 1960’s, the decade every American believed would be better for the country and the world after John F. Kennedy was elected as the 35th President of the United States. He was a young, charming, and a dedicated person to his country. He wanted the best for every American and beyond that. His presidency shockingly ended when he was shot and killed in Dallas, Texas. Kennedy was Campaigning for re-election in 1964 in Texas to help him win the lone star state. In this book you will read the details and events that took place during that awful and shocking day. I was 15 years old and was obsessed with the assassination, I read books, watched documentaries and did my own investigation about the assassination. After six years I decided to turn my obsession into a book for people who lived through that shocking day and for those who don’t know. It is simply a day that is forever history.